How to get oil based paint out of hair?

Paint on hair
Paints are of different types: latex based paint, oil-based paint, and water-based paint. Based on the type, you can remove paint from hair.
First, understand how to get oil based paint out of hair? The paint thinners called turpentine or mineral spirits are available in the market that helps to remove oil-based paint from hair.
Remember one thing, if your hair is colored, and you want to get rid off oil-based paint in hair, then obviously if you applied any hair color then automatically it gets removed from the hair and may cause damage to the hair.
This article helps to get oil based paint out of hair with gentle ways and saves your hair from serious damages.
Get rid of oil-based paint in hair
To remove oil-based paint from hair, apply olive oil in the hair. Apply olive oil to the drops of paint in your hair allow to remove with a fine-tooth comb that helps to get rid off oil-based paint in hair.
Apply oil and allow it to sit for a few hours, the paint starts to loosen its strength and start to remove the paint with the fine tooth comb. When you feel like you have excess paint in your hair apply excess oil allows it to wrap with the plastic paper and sit for a few hours.
Once the paints are removed from the hair, wash the hair thoroughly with the favorite shampoo, then apply conditioner, this method helps to balance the hair color.
Olive oil is a great conditioning treatment for hair that greatly helps to get oil based paint out of hair in a simpler and easiest method.
How to remove the paint on hair where the type of paint is not known?
You planned for some painting on your wall or chart, you feel great and enthusiastic once everything is fine. But you are surprised that few paints are on your face and hair and you exactly don’t know what type of paint is?
In that case, first, try to remove the paint with the help of water or nail on the fingers. If the paint on the hair is removed, then it is well and good.
Suppose if the paint is not removed, and still exist on your hair, then try washing your hair with kitchen or dish wash soap. Apply the soap along with the water helps to remove paint from hair.
If this method is also not worked out, try using toothpaste on the painting area, as toothpaste has the abrasive property that helps to break down the paint and helps to get rid off oil-based paint in hair.
Getting painting on hair is a messy business. Try the above said easiest method to get oil based paint out of hair without damaging the hair color.